Sunday, November 23, 2008


since this thing is always filed with such sad posts its time indeed for a happy one. 

even though i have a huge micro test this wednesday, finals next monday, tuesday, wednesday and two more finals the week after, I've found a way to make me smile by thinking about thanksgiving, christmas, and BREAK :)

i love love love love love love love love christmas.  however, i feel so kawawa for thanksgiving,no one gives it a chance.  its such an unloved holiday, like just look at everywhere you go now its all decorated for christmas KOST 103.5 even started playing their christmas songs already. poor thanksgiving.  anyway i cannot wait to go shopping, be home, hang out with my family, and FINALLY take a break from school. ah, just thinking about christmas makes me happy.  during halloween i was excited for christmas, you can probably feel my excitement by just reading this.  i wanted to go decorate the bushes and trees outside my building but they might kick me out.  kay i need to go do something productive! ah i love christmas. 

here's a haiku: 
christmas songs and trees
lets take pictures with santa
cookies and milk,fat.

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