Tuesday, November 18, 2008

the hated, the forgotten, & the loved.

Dear ________, 
There are only a handful of people that I can say I hate and by chance or fate, whichever you prefer, you are one of them.  

You may have started by having good intentions, but now I consider you a for lack of a better word, a bad friend.  I apologize for giving up on our friendship, but I just don't care and apparently neither do you.  

Thanks for impacting my life so much that i can actually say i miss you and mean it.  I actually make an effort to keep our friendship, I know I'm always busy with studying and what not, but don't think i forgot about you.

*these are the 3 types of people I have in my life: the hated, the forgotten, and the loved.  decide for yourself what you are. 


Anonymous said...

I know which one I am ;)

traceycarlos said...

hi :]
i love you