to be on a happier note i do love the friends i have now. this whole college and distance thing really teaches you a lot about the strengths and weaknesses of friendships. Claudette and Tracey probably live about 2 hours away yet i see them more than the people who live about 15mins from my house and aren't in school yet. I had dinner with Tracey on friday just to talk about life and we literally spent the longest time just talking about everything. it's not just because she actually picks me up to go hang out or eat dinner, she's always there when i need her even at 3am haha :]. i lover her to death and i love how the distance doesnt stop us from being friends. Claudette, i know you will probably read this and all i have to say to you is that i love you to infiniti and beyond chunts, bestfriends forever and our kids will be best friends too! So i don't mean to single those two out but their i have to say thank you for putting effort into our friendship. and a quick sidenote i can't imagine going to school with marc and ballada, they help keep me sane. so too claudi, trakez, marrrcos, kristinalynn, nikki jan, sean slater, carpz, justinhong kong, eric vee, and many others thanks for...caring in general i honestly love each of you. and i'm sorry if i might have forgotten to add you, leave me a comment and i'll add you asap.
and to add another side note school is fun, the people make it fun not the actual school part. but anyway here's a cute picture from my little surprise birthday shindig: 

btw. thanks for all the people that actually remembered my birthday i love you too, thanks for the texts, calls, etc :]
you really made my day a lot better.
i love you :]
you TRICK! I was about to write an entry about the same fucking thing and you did it first! I love you
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