honestly, school is non-stop ever. test after test, science class after science class. i know it's possible and i know if i work my ass off i can do it. but when the possible seems impossible, you're dreams seem that much harder to achieve. you don't understand the shit that you have to go through just to get into the program. competition, competition, competition. all you think about is whether or not your gonna make it. Is that person going to take my spot, did i just fuck up my grade and lose my chance of getting in. i don't want to seem rude or malicious, i know when people say "oh it's possible, you can do it" or "i'm sure you're gonna get in" they are trying to make a sincere effort to give you that extra little push you need, but please don't tell me what i already know and don't give me false hope in something i'm not even sure i can do. it's hard as hell but it's possible i know. sometimes i think people try to downgrade how hard this shit is and comparing it to their own major or whatever their taking. come to my classes, take my tests, think about all the people your competing with and then if you still feel that its not that hard, continue to downgrade, but just don't say shit to me. everyone always says nursing hard, but damn I really never think it'd be this hard. when the class average on a microbiology test was a 51% and the highest grade was a 81%, how can you say this isn't H.core
i really don't think you're gonna get the gist of what i'm feeling until you're actually in my place.
to end on a happy, i really do appreciate those people who give some sort of encouragement. well the appropriate encouragement and not the condescending type. i love you guys and thanks, when i become a nurse i'll take care of your children if they have kidney problems! :]
and hook it up with free drugs, heeeey.