Friday, August 22, 2008

so long

i get to move out tomorrow, exciting? sort of but it's more of a bittersweet feeling. it means i'm going to have to grow up and assume more responibilities, "growing old is mandatory but growing up is optional." not that i don't want to grow up i'm just not in a rush to. i guess the big part that i'm going to miss is being care/worry free.

it just makes me sad knowing that i won't get to see my friends everyday, we won't have our conversations that can carry on for hours about anything and everything. but i know that the friends who i'm supposed to have in my life will make the effort to stay in my life. and i'll make the effort to stay in theirs. but to be honest i've already started to loose the closeness i had with some people. a friendship can't stand when only one person is putting in effort, it needs to be reciprocated. like the saying goes "don't make someone a priority when they only make you an option."

to end on a happy note i watched some cheetahnutsindiaoneworldlove ish and it wasn't the movie that made it fun, but the people i was with. so thanks for making my last night home a cute one.

haiku for the day:
so long sweet summer
the olympics were fun but
time for school, oh Lord.

Monday, August 11, 2008


12 more days till i move out. i don't feel like being profound or giving some good insight into my feelings as of now, because frankly i'm lazy. However i will tell you that i love the olympics i want to go in 2012 it'll be in London, who wants to go? Oh and i believe that my laziness has reached a whole new level in the fact that i get so lazy to turn on my laptop which is why many of you haven't seen me online in a while. Great timing right? i'm so lazy and school starts soon lovely. So expect a more exciting post later about my thoughts on moving soon.

For now enjoy my new haikus:

School starts soon, oh no
i don't want freshman fifteen
i want to shop please

Olympics are fun
i wish i could swim like phelps
first i need floaties